Four Babas Sitting

Kathmandu, Nepal

When I first saw these men, my initial thought was, "Boy, Nepal's homeless population sure does dress in bright and flamboyant colors... How novel, it sure does make them harder to ignore!"

And I immediately started thinking what it would be like if all the homeless people in DALLAS dressed like this - in neon yellows and oranges - and also about how difficult it must be to keep to keep those colorful garments clean if you are living on the streets. Yellow is the color of our employee uniforms at COVINGTON'S NURSERY, and it's nearly impossible to keep those shirts clean even with a washer and dryer. How are these homeless men doing it!?

Well, I would soon learn that these men were not homeless grifters at all, but religious panhandlers called Babas.

I write more about these holy men HERE, HERE and HERE, I find them fascinating.